Stabroek News

Bloodied body of Trinidad businessman found in folding bed

Anand Maharaj

(Trinidad Express) A Gasparillo businessman was found dead on Saturday night, his body wrapped in plastic and hidden inside a folding bed.

Anand Maharaj, owner of Triple A Rentals, left his home to deliver a vehicle to a customer at around 2pm. He was then going to purchase foreign currency at an unknown location, police said.

Maharaj did not return to his Charles Street, Gasparillo, home at nightfall and his relatives contacted the police.

Investigators went to a house at St Fabien Road, Gasparillo, and conducted a search at around 10pm.

Police said the owner of the property was known to conduct foreign currency transactions.

Maharaj’s bloodied body was found hidden inside a folding bed. The body was wrapped in plastic bags.

The owner of the house was detained.

Maharaj was described by many, on social media, as a humble man who helped the needy.

One person wrote, “Today my heart cries out for justice at the murder of Anand Maharaj who was my good friend and brother, my Vice President of the Businessman association of Gasparillo. We spent days and nights literally talking to each other, often invited to family gatherings. He was one of the most progressive persons I knew in this life.”

The Gasparillo resident said after losing his job at PCS Nitrogen, Maharaj started his own business doing landscaping and odd jobs to survive and maintain a family

“Started his used car rentals and often felt sorry for many who, otherwise would not be able to rent a car with their track record. Anand worked hard, day and night tirelessly. He had his faults like everyone else, but was always involved in giving to the less fortunate,” he wrote.

Maharaj was a father of three.


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