GWI recommissions Moblissa well

GWI recommissions Moblissa well: Minister Susan Rodrigues and children of Moblissa ceremonially turn on a standpipe at the well for the recommissioning of the community’s water supply system.

The Guyana Water Inc (GWI) on Friday recommissioned the Moblissa water supply system on the Soesdyke-Linden Highway, bringing potable water into the homes of close to a hundred persons.

 The water supply system was recommissioned to the tune of $1.5 million and was initiated upon the intervention of Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water Susan Rodrigues after a visit to the community during President Irfaan Ali’s outreach to Linden in January.

 At the simple commissioning ceremony held yesterday, residents said they were happy to have easy access to water as its lack had put a strain on their daily activities over the years.