Dear Editor,
My belief is that people with Covid-19 should not be given a vaccine. Sounds like common sense. Thus, it confounds me that everyone who goes for a vaccine is asked questions about their health but is not tested for Covid-19. It is comforting to know that we have a Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony, who is qualified in medicine and dedicated in the execution of his duties. However, he should be the one in charge of the Covid-19 Task Force, as all measures taken in respect of the pandemic should revolve around its spread and containment and that is a health issue. Obviously, the present Task Force is “lost at sea.” The time set for the curfew is ludicrous. Mask wearing is not enforced. Non – essential business and public service governmental activities are allowed to continue with only a minor reduction in staff and working hours. The welfare of citizens and their recourse to justice is relegated to a back burner by the government.
The events that led to Padminie McRae’s leg being amputated was not the attention she was supposed to receive upon her visit to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). It is desirous that the government will address with alacrity the soothing of her physical harm and emotional distress. She deserves to live the rest of her life unencumbered by financial concern. Regrettably, no amount of financial assistance will turn back the hands of time for her and the government needs to ensure that an incident of this magnitude never recurs. The head of Strategic Planning and Communications of the GPHC told Mrs. McRae that the Ministry of Health (MOH) would be the place to address the issue of compensation. Dr. Anthony rebutted by saying that “the matter falls under the GPHC.” We all know that the GPHC is an arm of the MOH of which the Minister is the Head (no pun intended).
Conrad Barrow