GAWU urges gov’t investment in sugar workers

While welcoming the efforts underway to revive the sugar industry, the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) has said the government’s move to recapitalise the industry should be matched by an appropriate investment in the work force.

“A motivated workforce is key to the industry’s success and the role of the workers should not be ignored,” the union said on Saturday in its Labour Day message.

According to the union, the efforts being made by the new administration to breathe new life into the industry and restore it back to a position of prominence are welcomed by the tens of thousands who depend on the industry, especially for the many who were affected when estates were closed without any regard to the resulting socio-economic upheaval.

“…[T]he Coalition never really sought to protect the industry. In its revitalisation thrust the new government has provided support to recapitalise the industry. Such support is necessary to nurture the industry back to its feet. We welcome this investment and believe if properly utilised it could have a meaningful impact,” the union said.

GAWU also noted that the “burdensome cost-of-living” brought about by “onerous taxes” imposed by the former government had dominated previous Labour Day observances. As a result, it acknowledged the new government for hearing its cries and rolling back several of them. At the same time, it said while it recognised the efforts to bring relief to workers, there are some unscrupulous businesses that are not passing those savings on to the people.

It further welcomed the restoration and improvement of the school child grant, the reinstitution of the water subsidy to pensioners, the reduction in water tariffs, the increase of the school uniform grant, old-aged pensions, and public assistance. “These measures directly impact our workers, the needy, and the pensioners who had to contend with a great deal of hardships while being promised a ‘Good Life’. We see these are first steps and expect the government over the coming years to enhance the support provided as it focuses on minimising and later eradicating the bane of impoverishment,” it added.

GAWU also recognised the re-establishment of the Ministry of Labour, calling it another victory for the working-class. It said the ministry’s downgrade by the Granger administration was a slap in the face of the workers. With the ministry’s reestablishment, it said there is urgent need for it to arrest the exploitative practices many workers endure by ensuring that errant employers face consequences for their actions and workers’ rights are upheld.

Elections inquiry

Meanwhile, GAWU also adverted to the attempt to rig the 2020 elections and it said had those who perpetuated the ploy succeeded, the country faced the distinct possibility of seeing all our advances reversed and starker hardships returning. “While we take solace in the precipice avoided, we are disappointed that many of the architects remain unscathed,” it added. “Clearly there is urgent need for appropriate reforms as our people must repose confidence in our democratic system,” it added before reiterate a call for a properly constituted Commission of Inquiry to be established to investigate.