Stabroek News

Frustrated pensioner at wits end how to resolve issues with popular medical laboratory

Dear Editor, 

I pen this letter as a frustrated citizen and pensioner who is at her wits end and who continues to face much abuse and torment as many of our state and other agencies just seem handicapped in resolving simple issues affecting citizens. For me, this is the last straw in getting issues like the egress and ingress to my property being blocked as well as noise pollution addressed. These issues have caused me much distress over the years as many agencies seem either unwilling or ill-equipped to address them. I have been at my wits end trying to get these resolved for many years. 

My property is located at the back of a popular medical laboratory. For many years, there has been an issue with the said facility encroaching on our ingress and egress, this has ranged from their fences on the aforementioned property, bins, materials, etc., on the said passage. Requests for these to be removed, the washing of the waste bins, etc., from the said passage often escalate. It has gotten so terrible there were physical confrontations a few times. Not even our vehicle can park safely some evenings. This issue had gotten out of hand so many times, I lost count. We had little things stolen from the vehicle, our number plates were taken off so many times, we lost count, mirrors, tyres punctured, just because we had requested that we have that rightful access which should remain unhindered. We have sought and gotten the intervention of both the Georgetown Mayor and City Council as well as the Ministry of Local Government, but there has been little action taken even as these agencies identified and wrote the business about these infractions. 

Over the years, noise pollution remained a major issue. During blackouts, the generating set would run way beyond the time of the power outage. Those sets are just a few meters away from my house and bedroom. It has been a nightmare for me as I have had to resort to finding remedies to sleep after some of these blackouts. If it isn’t the blackout, it is water overflowing from the water tanks for hours. Over the years, I have been vocal about these infractions and simply put, I lost my cool many times, and it is frustrating beyond words. I am now at wits end, I don’t think this can and should continue like this. 


Lila Alli 

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