Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter to your excellent newspaper, so that I may put out in the public domain a very pertinent topic being discussed in Guyana, presently. I may wish to help suggest ways to settle the perceived topic.
Editor, the topic making sounds (word and mouth) is: what will be the series of license plate coming out after “Z” – i.e. PZZ, GZZ, TZZ. I had the good fortune to visit Trinidad since the “eighty’s” (1950 to 1989) and then 1990 to 2004 and I have been a sign artist even before then. I painted and made prospect license plates with vinyl since 1975; this made me an ardent observer of Trinidad’s license plate system. (I made license plates for lots of persons there too). They, too started (like Guyana) with P, G, T and moved on to PA, GA, TA. Then to PAA, GAA, TAA (P-private, G-good, T-trailer and H-hire car, bus (maxi taxi). At the conclusion (or end) of a series PAA to PZZ, GAA to GZZ, TAA to TZZ and HAA to HZZ, their license office with government’s support, of course, moved on to PAB, GAB, TAB and HAB. I will need to explain this further, before I do so Editor, allow me space to mention that in Guyana we had PAA, PBB, PCC, PDD, PEE, PFF and to date PZZ. Since 2010 a series is completed yearly, so before December PZZ, GZZ, TZZ will be exhausted. Here is where my suggestion becomes valid. Trinidad retained the PA and moved to PAB. When PAB finished they moved to PAC then PAD, then PAE, PAF, PAG straight on to PAZ (I drove lots of cars with these series) I forgot – their rental cars are RAB, RAC, RAD, RAE, RAF straight on to RAZ (they identify rentals this way). At the completion of PAZ, they moved on to PBA – i.e. they moved to the second letter in the alphabet with A then PBB, PBC, PBD, PBE, PBF to PBZ. In this way they have millions of cars on the road in a unique system. Remember, each series (letter) is 9,999 vehicles. The method used caters for millions of vehicles without exhausting the alphabetical order. After PBZ, they moved to PCA – 3rd letter of alphabet with A, then PCB, PCC, PCD. I wish I had kept photos for your newspaper of cars at accident/police scenes and the series showing. Not to forget/PAB etc., is with numbers also e.g. PAN 5171, PBC 1000 etc.
In Guyana, if the government, license office or GRA chooses PAB, it will take years to reach PAZ!! Kindly publish my letter, to sensitize our authorities and all Guyanese of my suggestion and I eagerly await a few readers’ response. I suggest after PZZ – 9999 we move to PAB 1 TO PAB 9999, PAC 1 to PAC 9999. To complete PAB 1 to PAB 9999 it will be 9999 vehicles like when we used PAA 1 to PAA 9999 to PZZ 1 to PZZ 9999/ PAB 1 to PAB 9999 is one series (9999 vehicles). We cannot use PAA 1 to PAA 9999 because it was used already, i.e. after PZ was exhausted long, long ago in Guyana. We move to PAB, PAB – 1 to PAB 9999. Each additional letter “C”, “D”, “E” “F” etc., to “Z” forms a series of 9999 vehicles – PAB, PAC, PAD, PAE etc., to PAZ!
In conclusion PAB 1 to PAB 9999 ending with PAZ 1 TO PAZ 9999 is 21 series of 9999 vehicles which is equal to 21 years – “B” to “Z” equivalent to 210,000 vehicles. PAZ will end in 2042 if the pattern of one series per year continues. After PAZ we move on to PBA which is the 2nd alphabetical letter “B” and restarting with “A” equals to PBA – 1 to PBA 9999 concluding with PBZ 9999 in another 21 years taking us to 2063. It takes such a long time for PAB to PAZ (21 years) that all our worries end. Private cars are PAB, hire cars HAB, and hire bus (maxi) BAB, goods GAB, trailers TAB and RAB rentals. Hire cars are not HA, HB, HC, HD and private cars are not rentals!
Artist Allim