Toka to get new water well

Toka, Region 9, which has a population of approximately 300 persons will soon have a new water well in their village, a release yesterday from the Guyana Water Inc (GWI) said.

According to Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, who visited the village to witness and inspect works being carried out on  May 30, 2021, the well is being drilled with a new rig that was acquired by GWI and executed by its in-house Hinterland well drilling team.

He noted that the overall project is being undertaken in collaboration with the Toka Village Council and also involves the installation of 4 elevated storage tanks which will be sited on a mountain in the village, a distribution network, a photovoltaic system and new service connections to cover more than 80 percent of the village. The total cost for this project is $10M.