Linden communities grapple with more flooding after tailings pond breach

Residents of Three Friends navigate the community in a canoe. (Photo credit: Travis Farose). Coomacka1The breach in the tailings pond at East Montgomery Mines, which has resulted in flooding of the communities in the vicinity of Coomacka, in Region Ten Coomacka2A house within the community of Three Friends, Region 10, which was flooded following the breach of the East Montgomery tailings pond. Coomacka3

As residents in the communities of Three Friends, Maria Henrietta and Coomacka struggle to deal with the impact of severe flooding caused by a breach of the tailings pond at the East Montgomery Mines, officials of Bosai Minerals are keen to establish that the company was not responsible.

“A team of engineers from the Ministry of Public Works visited Bosai and were shown the property and discharge pump to the environment. The team expressed their satisfaction that Bosai’s operations were not the cause of the flooding,” Sherry Domer, Bosai Community Relations Officer told Stabroek News last evening.

According to Domer, Bosai’s assessment of the disaster revealed that the cause lies with the blockage of an outflow channel from a mined area belonging to the LINMINE Secretariat/NICIL. She explained that this channel appeared to have been blocked and bridged for access to a scrap metal store, called the “Rehab Area”.