Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall has filed a $20 million lawsuit against former APNU+AFC government minister Annette Ferguson, who he alleges made certain slanderous statements against him.
According to the AG, on March 22nd of this year, during a meeting hosted by the European Union Observer Team to discuss the March 2nd, 2020 General and Regional Elections, Ferguson accused him of an act of voter fraud.
Nandlall said that Ferguson’s statement was made in the presence of a number of other persons including government officials, Members of Parliament, members of other political parties and media personnel.

Nandlall (the Claimant) argues that given its natural meaning and by way of innuendo, the specific words uttered by Ferguson (the Defendant), were intended to convey that he had committed an electoral and criminal offence.
He said that she sought to convey not only that he was guilty of electoral irregularity, but that he had actively aided and abetted persons to also commit such offences.
The AG went on to depose in his Statement of Claim that the Defendant by her utterance, sought to imply that he is unfit to hold public office, participate in engagements such as convened by the European Union and that he was dishonest and lacked integrity.
Nandlall said that Ferguson’s comments were calculated to disparage, embarrass and humiliate him and tarnish his reputation and standing professionally.
He imputes to Ferguson, knowledge of being aware that her utterances were false.
As a result of what she said, the AG said that he has suffered considerable hurt, distress and anxiety.
The Claimant is seeking general damages in the sum of $10,000,000 for slander and another $10,000,000 for aggravated damages.
He also wants an injunction restraining Ferguson or any of her associates from further speaking or publishing the slander. He also wants costs and any other order which the Court may deem just to grant.