Diamond porter remanded over stealing of purse from US military officer

Alvin Archer
Alvin Archer

A porter who is accused of stealing a purse from a US military officer was yesterday remanded after denying the charge.

Alvin Archer, 28, of Lot 2093 Diamond New Scheme, East Bank Demerara, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court yesterday. Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan remanded him.

It is alleged that on June 20, at Croal Street, Georgetown, he stole a purse valued $8,000, an iPhone 11 valued $250,000, and US$46, amounting to $267,200, property of Melissa Owens. He pleaded not guilty and was remanded until July 7.

According the police prosecutor, on the day in question at 10:30 hrs, Owens, who is a military officer attached to the US Coast Guard currently conducting training in Guyana, along with two of her colleagues were proceeding on foot in a westerly direction along Croal Street. Archer, allegedly, came out of a crowd of persons who were playing cards and started walking behind Owens. It is alleged that Archer grabbed the purse while he was following the woman then fled the scene. However, he was apprehended by a police patrol on America Street.

The prosecutor also informed the court that Archer was charged in 2020 with a similar offence. The outcome of that matter was not stated. The court also heard that Owens was unable to attend court because she was at the US Embassy at the time when the matter was before the court.