Putting an attempted electoral coup behind?

Between March and August last year folks supporting the sanctimonious Brigadier-President utilized every subterfuge to execute elections thievery. Fully aided and abetted by partisan elections officials. (Even as the mutually agreed upon chairperson evidently grappled with obvious publicised results and her conscience.) International observers and our highest court(s)) helped to prevent the coalition parties’ thievery success.

It was as if an electoral coup was plotted even before a government could take office. Millions of our poor people’s dollars were spent on litigating the actual simple majority of sixty-five – first raised by attorney Hughes – and various other judicial challenges. Even the then American Secretary of State, reportedly, let the Brigadier-President know how the U.S. and Trump were viewing the power-grab goings-on.

Now the Ali-Jagdeo administration is being requested, advised, persuaded, nudged, even compelled to sit and converse with those recently bent on electoral thievery, to steal the majority’s will.

I’ve been giving these calls much consideration – as a now-matured, once politically active but always fairly objective, still fair-minded patriot. And being appreciative of my own age, past and participated, I know now that I would be unfit to sit as a broker to promote inter-party “unity”. My mental maturity somehow still can’t/won’t excise the rigging activities of Lowenfield and Mingo from my (political) psyche.

Mind you, I appreciate the reasons for the strenuous calls for the two major parties to “recognize” each other. But the editorials, the civil society watchdog organizations and a few partisan interests seem to be foisting the onus, the responsibility on the government and governing party. Seemingly because they are perceived to be in control of the corridors of power. Can’t some significant requests regarding this vital issue be directed to the PNC opposition (masquerading as some “APNU”)??


Internal challenges, but relentless opposition

It’s now an open secret that the People’s National Congress – the 64-year old PNC – is not enjoying Brigadier Granger’s favourite word, cohesion. There are veteran party members who cannot accept Granger’s almost elitist, remote leadership of that outfit. Calls are simmering for a congress. Why? That’s bound to be a most historic convention. PNC party leaders are not usually disposed of publicly.

However, both the oldsters and young ambitious Turks of the PNC have their eyes on a common prize – the demise from government of the PPP boys and girls. (Oil wealth beckons!) And the Brigadier’s Point-Man formal Opposi-tion Leader Harmon is doing his darndest. His incarnation of the “new” PNC is being relentless in opposing. Nothing wrong except much of it can be destructive amidst pandemics and floods.

Just glance and “appreciate” their programme:

● Surrogates hold protests in New York and write mischief to US decision-makers; ● assaults and little co-operation regarding government’s responses to COVID and floods; ● strategically, emphasising crime and the police force’s turmoil; ● potential Public Accounts Committee “disruptions”; ● PNC city council casual approaches to garbage town; ● surrogates’ aggressive misuse of social media (often now matched by the PPP fellows); ● and now famous (PNC) no-confidence motions!

If only for his supporters’ benefit “Intelligence” Officer/Opposition Boss Joe is seen to be earning his salary and benefits. Hopefully not to our collective detriment.

And you-all want to tell/convince me that the big two can sit, over mauby and buns, to discuss a peaceful constructive way forward? A so-called “installed” government and a seemingly insane opposition? Those of you who believe in prayer, please do lots of it for our country.


Generational deterioration? A wounded society?

A brief repeat lamentation today. My sorrow, regret, even mourning at the obvious breakdown in homes, “families”, along with the abandonment of necessary values and virtues of the past. Desired morality born of faith, religion, good parents and teachers, has been altered.

Yes, frankly speaking, each generation just past must take responsibility for that which is current.

Today’s youths – 12 to 35 – now know mostly “single–parent”, non-father homes; they hear and witness electoral theft; corrupt businesses and dealings daily; turmoil at the top of a police force whose lower ranks are out on daily traffic stop hustles; they  witness non–co-operation, hostile politics among so-called leadership; thus they are rudderless.

Every day they drive/ride recklessly no united parenting to teach or rebuke; underpaid school-teachers struggling through floods and pandemic. They are rudderless, intolerant, intemperate. They rape, rob, plunder, kill.

Modern communication technology should make the young utilise knowledge, develop intelligence that’s positive. But are they better off than we of the fifties–to–seventies. Is a government only to be blamed? As the man once asked: what is to be done?


Consider, ponder …..

● 1) Attorney General, perhaps as Hindu devotee, looked at home at New York Gurukula. Reminded me of Brigadier Granger’s much–publicised kneeling down in Anglican churches. So these devotees’ reverence assist us?

● 2) Any nation/society with a police force under siege is in mortal danger from the “Criminal Sector”. Please, less rhetoric, more remedies.

● 3) What a scathing rebuke of VP Jagdeo from the daily letter-writer!

● 4) Cricket coach Simmons bemoans the batting mentality of his West Indies charges. I’m beginning to bemoan Coach Simmons!

`Til next week
