Stabroek News

East Bank, East Coast lands being registered for new housing schemes

As part of its housing programme, the government has applied to register several parcels of land in Diamond and Grove, on the East Bank of Demerara, and La Reconnaissance, on the East Coast of Demerara.

These lands, which were previously leased by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), are to be turned over to the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) for subdivision into housing lots.

According to the extra-ordinary gazette published yesterday, the Commissioner of Lands has, in keeping with the provisions of Section 37 of the Land Registry Act, applied to register the lands as state property. 

The lands referenced on the East Bank are Parcels 1 to 7 at the back of Great Diamond, Parcels 9 to 17 at the back of Golden Grove, and Parcel 8 the reserve between the former two parcels. 

On the East Coast, Block No: 414225 of Zone: 414, Plantation La Reconnaissance, is similarly listed. 

According to Attorney General Anil Nandlall, this is the first step to being able to distribute residential plots in the areas. 

“We are bringing it under the land registry system for the purpose of issuing certificates of title when it is eventually sub-divided into house lots,” he explained when contacted, before adding that the process moves the lands, formerly owned or leased by GuySuCo, under the administration of the Ministry of Housing for use in its housing programme. 

Any person who believes they have any ownership rights to the lots mentioned have one month from July 3 within which to lodge an objection at the Land Registry. 

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