The Brigadier’s “cardboard parties”

Dear Editor,

I falter regarding the exact time during or after the attempt electoral power – grab of 2020. However I do remember, most distinctly, the People’s Nation Congress (PNC) leader, retired Army Brigadier D. A. Granger referring to certain small political “parties” as “Cardboard Parties”. That then description evoked a broad knowing smile from me because I know the Brigadier leader to have been accurate about those little paper groupings last year.

As an old by-gone political activist – supporter, one observes ambitious persons pretending to be “leaders” of this or that entity. Just for some status, recognition or surrogate-usage in exchange for later material reward. Both aspiring and/or fake political “parties” use the letters – to – editors’ columns daily; they live and breathe for the internet platforms and Facebook to foist and promote artificial propagandistic “positions” and “issues” on those not tired enough thus still a bit interested.

I’m not one hundred percent certain about which group the brigadier had dubbed “cardboard parties” – WPA? JFA? NFA? GAP? – But over the weekend the Comrade Leader did a military- like about- face. He has been explaining the character and worth of his two new chosen “paper parties”. And their respective leaders! Oh well. If the implications were not potentially serious, it all would have been tremendously humorous. Long live Sharma’s and Sarabo’s ERJP and GNBM? Who really decides to insult our intelligence?


Allan Arthur Fenty