Region Six tractor operators accuse gov’t of reneging on agreed rate for flood relief work

Some of the tractors during their deployment to pump water from flooded areas

A group of tractor operators are accusing the government through the Region Six regional administration of reneging on an agreement to pay them $5,000 per hour for pumping water from communities during the recent floods.

According to the tractor operators, who are also farmers, initially they were hired through a verbal agreement by the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) to be deployed to various parts of the region to assist with pumping out floodwater. However, the operators said that while they were promised $5,000 per hour, the regional administration at a meeting on Monday tried to coerce them into accepting $4,000 per hour, which they are adamant that they will not accept.

Shatterpaul Shiwlall, of Black Bush Polder, explained that they were hired to work between the Number 19 Village and Tain Village, Corentyne.