Tractor operators to get payments at agreed rate for Region Six flood relief works

The tractor operators yesterday meeting with an engineer before further discussions on payment.
The tractor operators yesterday meeting with an engineer before further discussions on payment.

Following talks, tractor operators in Region Six, who were hired to pump flood waters from inundated communities during recent flooding, have started to receive payments at the agreed $5,000 per hour rate.

On Wednesday Stabroek News reported that the tractor operators were calling on President Irfaan Ali, Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo and Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha to intervene to ensure that they received the rate of $5,000 per hour that they were promised

At the time, regional officials were trying to get them to agree to a rate of $4,000 per hour, leading to the operators accusing government of trying to renege on their promise.

However, Regional Chairman David Armogan yesterday afternoon confirmed to Stabroek News that the government has decided that the operators will be paid $5,000 per hour. He further added that payouts had started. “We are dealing with the smaller payments,” he explained.

Stressing that there is a process, Armogan said further queries and verification will continue as there are some issues as it relates to the billable hours submitted some tractor operators.

Meanwhile, Ryan Pariang, one of the operators, also confirmed yesterday that payments had commenced. He said, “It is good to note today that we have come to an agreement with NDIA [the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority] to pay the price agreed upon. They had wanted to pay $4,000 but they have now agreed to pay the $5,000.”

He then explained that after they arrived at the verbal agreement of $5,000 yesterday for a second time, he requested a written agreement to present to the others who were outside of the meeting. He stressed that after payments commenced yesterday at the agree rate, that represented proof that the agreement was honoured and operators are being paid the initial amount promised.

Meanwhile, most of the tractor operators who spoke with Stabroek News yesterday stressed that they were satisfied that they were being paid the initial rate per hour, as most of them also thanked Minister Mustapha for “sticking” to his promise.