Some people have been linking the biblical references about a mark of the beast to COVID-19 vaccines. In this era where facts and misinformation are amalgamated, it can be difficult to differentiate truth from untruth? But do truth and untruth remain unchanged? Or do they change depending on the time and the people?
Global connectivity through the worldwide web has exposed us to a wealth of information. But we are constantly bombarded by the noise of the world and we must filter what we take in, for while information can enlighten us, it can also influence irresponsible behaviour and decisions.
In a world where faith is the force that influences how many live their lives, even when we are faced with evidence that what believe to be true might not be, we often refuse to disbelieve. Perhaps, because we are unable to fathom a reality that exists outside of our beliefs systems. Our minds may not allow us to comprehend what is happening because being conditioned has diminished our power to cope.