Police obliterate Berbice River ganja farms

One of the farms that was destroyed.
One of the farms that was destroyed.

Police during an eradication exercise yesterday destroyed two cannabis sativa farms which were discovered along the Berbice River.

Approximately 16,000 plants and 700lbs of dry cannabis were destroyed while a 12-gauge shotgun and a 12-gauge cartridge that were also found were lodged.

According to a police press release, ranks were along the Berbice River when they discovered a farm at DeVeldt with about 6000 of the plants ranging from 3 to 5 feet in height along with 600lbs of dry cannabis.

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In another field at Gaeteroy, 10,000 plants ranging from 3 to 6 feet in height were found. A nearby camp found in the area was searched and about 100lbs of dried cannabis was discovered.

It is estimated that the plants carry a street value of $5,420,800 while the estimated street value for the dried cannabis is $21,000,000.

The plants and camps were destroyed by fire while the firearm and ammunition have been lodged at the Central Police Station pending further investigations.

No arrests have been made so far.