How to not pack on unwanted weight during a break from the gym

After a three-month grind of cardio, lifting weights and dieting for my last competition, I decided to take a mini vacation. And even though I won’t be picking up a dumbbell or dieting, I will employ some strategies so that I do not pack on unwanted weight, since I plan to compete again in four months.

If you are on a break or plan to take a much needed break from the gym, here are some tips you can employ in order to not pack on too much weight and preserve your hard earned progress.

Go easy on the alcohol

Admittedly, during my vacation, I have had a few drinks. But like I always tell people, everything should be done in moderation, especially when it comes to drinking. Alcohol is a triple threat when it comes to weight gain. For starters, alcoholic drinks contain a lot of calories. Also, alcohol can lower your willpower so that you are less able to resist the temptation of unhealthy food. Furthermore, alcohol can stimulate your appetite. These factors combine to make alcohol very diet-unfriendly.

Go easy on the booze if you are serious about avoiding weight gain. Limit yourself to just a couple of drinks. Unable to resist temptation? Offer to be the designated driver so you won’t be able to drink alcohol at all.


Despite taking a break from exercising, you can still minimize weight gain by staying active. Walking is the perfect non-exercise solution. Try to clock in as many steps per day as possible to burn those extra calories, maintain your fitness, and reduce fat gain. I have been walking quite a lot, enjoying the sights in Manhattan and running to catch the trains.

Downsize your plate

You can trick yourself into eating less by serving your food on a smaller than normal plate. This will make your meals look bigger than they really are and that will help you feel fuller despite eating less food. The bigger the plate, the bigger your meal is likely to be, and the more you will eat. But, with a smaller plate, even if you load it to the max, you’ll still end up with a relatively small meal.

Practice good nutrition

If you know you have a big meal coming your way, make sure the rest of your meals for that day are as nutritionally sensible as possible. Load up on healthy foods such as fruit and veggies, and make sure you consume adequate protein too. Just because you are on a break doesn’t mean your entire diet has to fall apart. Make sure all your other meals are as healthy and balanced as they can be.

Exorbitant weight gain is not compulsory during a break. Keep yourself on track, and avoid gaining weight by putting these tips into action.