Stabroek News

The horrors of what passes for justice continues

Dear Editor,

The horrors in oil rich and democratic Guyana continue. What does justice look like for Pandit Bharrat and his family and others who have not found help from police in dealing with the entitled who think Guyana is one big party space? Do the police only deal with noise nuisance after someone dies? What does justice look like for the people who have to preface their work and other virtual meets with ‘I have to go mute because my neighbours are playing loud music’? What does justice look like for the people who have had to move house for the noise which comes out of events – when weddings and national events become terrorizing events?

Is justice only that the 11 persons go to jail or get off or whatever passes for justice? Is the Government willing to also mandatorily vaccinate some sense and behaviour change into those who think that it is their right to blast music wherever they please? Is the Government going to use some of the oil money to get some of the laws in place so that people can enjoy their oil money in peace – because oil money can buy bigger and huger sound systems? Can justice mean that the police report why they did not do anything to prevent Pandit Bharrat’s death?


Vidyaratha Kissoon

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