Dear Editor,
It used to be said that “when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold”. So powerful was American influence and impact on the global community – both developed and struggling. Is that still so? Perhaps because as many Guyanese live in the U.S.A as do dwell within our own Guyana borders, I pay attention to happenings there. (Besides my general, sustained interest in international affairs). So after listening to President Biden’s spirited but sadly insufficient, only partly – convincing defense of his two-week withdrawal and evacuation from Afghanistan after a twenty-year occupation, I decided to make this very final submission on this significant international military and political event.
To me, twenty-years ago, after Afghanistan strategic terroristic role in thousands of Americans dying in the twin towers 9/11 attack, the US had justification in invading Afghanistan. America announced then, specific objectives related to the 9/11 attack and cleansing the terrorist haven that was Kabul/Kandahar etc. all next door to Pakistan where the Americans eventually discovered and eliminated arch-terrorist leader Bin Laden. I’m still not sure what other reasons motivated the U.S to stay on there for many more years sacrificing lives and trillions in American taxpayers money. (I understand it had to do with introducing democracy whilst nation building a land free of terrorists – something impossible over centuries!) So president Biden – the fourth president to be embroiled in the Afghanistan graveyard of empires – bit the bullet and set out to operationalize Trump’s agreed – upon final withdrawal.
Alas! Biden bungled the withdrawal which his speech could not deflect. The flaws were seen in real time: ignoring intelligence reports that the Afghan army could not survive minus U.S ground and air support and with a weak corrupt government; that means he should have skillfully escorted thousands out before pulling out the 2500 troops; he could have also employed Trump’s big-stick bullyism to make the patient Taliban terrorist rebels stick to the withdrawal agreements; Biden, also, could have courted nearby and international-NATO, EU, Middle Eastern – strategic support prior to pulling remaining forces out.
His legacy will now be tainted for long to come – the black-nose of depending upon terroristic Taliban support; mockery by China and Russia over seeking Taliban endorsements – “negotiating with terrorists” – losing billions in military equipment to the Taliban, whose China/Russia friends will “assist” in utilizing; leaving hundreds of friends behind and being Commander-in-Chief losing thirteen young marines to the ISIS-K-even as Taliban today wear American uniforms! ISIS-K will now be only just one terror group to enjoy the Taliban spawning-ground safe-haven. Yes, Biden was right to leave – with some 125,000 also rescued – but his manner and method will be forever questioned. A pity!
As for Afghanistan? I feel that same America – temporarily humbled – now have to, with sustained urgency, mobilize international assistance – sanctions, insistence on human rights, even military intentions – to rein in Taliban government. If they themselves can’t discipline their disparate, criminal-minded factions bent on demonizing diverse Islamic laws the world could become more unsafe; susceptible to terrorism, if laughter at America does not cease and a united front fashioned.
Allan Arthur Fenty