Karen Cummings restates opposition support for vaccination campaign

Dr Karen Cummings
Dr Karen Cummings

Reminding that COVID-19 has become the pandemic of the unvaccinated, the Shadow Minister of Heath, Dr  Karen Cummings on Thursday reiterated the opposition’s support for immunisation while stressing that “coercion” cannot be substituted for a comprehensive education campaign.

“We should follow the science and debunk the myths…As a Christian I know true science and the Bible agrees [but] coercion is not science…We are not against persons being immunised. The Opposition Leader and I have gone to various parts of the country to encourage persons to be vaccinated as COVID-19 has become the pandemic of the unvaccinated.,” Cummings told a press conference.

The former Minister, who is a medical doctor, stressed that even with more virulent strains of COVID-19 emerging and the resulting rush to achieve herd immunity the Ministry of Health should not coerce  the population but rather seek to balance communal well-being with individual liberties.

“We are suggesting that there be a compromise,” she stressed, while calling for the government to consider the ethical considerations raised by the World Health Organisation which has advocated for information campaigns and making COVID-19 vaccines accessible.

Attempts to achieve herd immunity in Guyana have been stymied by a high level of vaccine hesitancy particularly in Opposition strongholds such as Region 10 which has the lowest vaccination rate of the country.

In response, the government has moved to make either proof of vaccination or regular negative COVID-19 test results a requirement to access government services. Healthcare workers, transportation service providers and teachers have also been directed to provide proof of vaccination or a weekly negative PCR test from a private medical institution before showing up to perform their duties.

This measure has seen a significant backlash with pockets of protests mounted across the country.

Following the “lockout” of workers at the Ministry of Education, The Georgetown Public Hospital and the Linden Hospital Complex the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) and the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) jointly brought a High Court action against the state for denying state workers access to the work-places. Additionally the GTU has called on all teachers to proceed on strike if any teacher is denied access to  a classroom when school reopens tomorrow.