Stabroek News

Appreciate the value of a professional non-politicized police force

Dear Editor,

The security safety of citizens in any credible democracy is of vital importance. A Police Force is ultimately responsible for our security. A professionally driven Police Force will give citizens confidence in its working, thus ensuring optimum co-operation between citizens and the Police. It is a professional Police Force that produce its aura of confidence. The letter written by K. Juman-Yassin, AA and published in Stabroek News September 6, 2021, is instructive and I support fully Juman-Yassin’s concerns and recommendations. However, he failed to deal fully with the contortions of the Police Service Commission and the Government. This is a clear effort by a Government whose obsession, whose belief is that it is their divine right to micro-manage and control every facet of society and our lives. Unless this issue is brought to the fore and citizens speak up, even if the proposals by Juman-Yassin are implemented will be of little value.

We have seen the fracturing of our Police between 1992 and 2015. During that period, we saw a one thousand percent, yes one thousand percent increase of Police deaths, the phenomenon Phantom Gangs, the Death Squads and a new elite known as the Black Clothes Police. A mature Government, a truly concerned administration should appreciate the value of a professional non-politicized Police Force. The discussion about our security must center on this. The bicycle and motor-cycle gangs will dwindle if we re-introduce National Service and ensure that our oil bonanza filters down to our young people. A well-organized National Service will also provide discipline and personnel for their Police Office Corps and ordinary ranks.


Hamilton Green


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