Stabroek News

The current Covid measures betray all impressions of genuine care

Dear Editor,

As I reflect on the most recent gazetted orders in Guyana I am reminded of the two women who went before King Solomon claiming to love the same baby. As each claimed the baby, Solomon called his guards and asked for a sword. He told them he decided to cut the baby in half since each was claiming him. One said YES go ahead, cut him, the other said NOOOO give the baby to her and do not hurt him. Solomon knew right away whose baby it was. The one willing to give him away unharmed and while not getting her own way.

Speeches about the public interest, the public good, public safety and public security when the very public in large part is groaning makes me think of strange love. The kind the woman had who wanted Solomon to SLICE the youngster. How do I know it’s the majority groaning? If more were in line with vaccination there would be no need for such harsh measures. Ideals towards herd immunity would be closer to being achieved.

A parent MUST decide and give consent for their child to be vaccinated but cannot decide for themselves. The bit about appointment and PCR is a thinly veiled attempt at giving a choice. It is the same as saying get vaccinated or face our consequences. It is meant to hurt. Organizing sites with free or cheaper testing or using antigen results instead of the most expensive would show an interest in reaching ALL at their level. The current measures in my view betray all impressions of genuine care and giving a choice.

All persons entering public buildings, including supermarkets and churches, must be vaccinated. So a child 12 years and under can go to school but not to church or is it that they are to go without unvaccinated parents with whom they live? Particularly for places of worship who ensures the order is followed? For private organisations, businesses, coaches, and others who polices the order for enforcement?

Banks were allowed to take money from citizens and without warning those citizens are no longer allowed to enter the banks without a vaccine or PCR from an approved site within 72 hours to 7 days. As a law abiding citizen without a vaccine I cannot access the services of the police station but I imagine an unvaccinated criminal will be arrested and taken there.

Perhaps children must be asked to go to the supermarket, banks and other places of import or maybe by tomorrow it will be gazetted that children 12 to 17 cannot do business on the behalf of others. Where will it stop or how far will it go? Something is fundamentally wrong with this approach. I pray good sense prevails. Wisdom is proven right by her children. Besides who takes bread out of the mouth of those they care about? Particularly without warning?


Flemlyn A. Ragobeer

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