Dear Editor,
Road safety should be a priority! Road safety is about bringing awareness to users of the road on the various aspects of how to go about using the road, the precautions that should be taken by road users when using the road and the simple rules about using the road.
We’ve all observed that in the recent months thousands of what is called “electric bike” started to flood the markets throughout the country and very quickly it started to sell across the country. The “electric bike” can be used to transport one to a certain distance without the consumption of fuel, it is charged using electricity which can make one’s transportation life easier. But is it making everyone’s life easier? It must be noted that the riders of these “electric bikes” are not required to have a driver’s license or any other vehicular documents such as Vehicle Fitness, Road Revenue License or Registration Documents to traverse these “electric bikes” on the public road.
However, an average of 95% of these “electric bikes” users that traverse the public road, blatantly ride in the lane that Vehicular Traffic (Cars, Bus, Truck Motor Cycles etc.,) are traversing. In this process license drivers have to drive at the limit of the “electric bike” since they only have an average of 25 kmh max speed. Also these “electric bikes” users sometimes traverses the road in a very dangerous manner such as moving “in and out” of the vehicular lane to the side walk of the road. These “electric bike” traverse the road as if they pay Road Revenue License whilst tampering with the traffic lane. Lastly, the users of these “electric bikes” traverse the road without any certification (of the riders physical fitness to traverse the public road) and awareness (of the various rules of the road) pertaining to road safety. These “electric bikes” users pose a threat to drivers. These “electric bikes” are worse than the bus drivers in Georgetown that will come overtake and pull down in-front of you just for one passenger.
Editor, my reason for penning this letter is to request that the Ministry of Home Affairs along with the Guyana Police Force take a simple course of action. A course of action that will bring certifications and awareness to these “electric bike” users which can be in the form of a workshop for all to attend. This workshop should seek to educate these “electric bike” users of the various road safety rules and regulations etc.
Randy Mangru