Stabroek News

Adventure residents say hole in road poses danger

The hole in the road

Residents living in Adventure and the neighbouring community of Airy Hall, Region Two, are calling on the Regional Administration and the Ministry of Public Works to conduct maintenance works on the main public road.

Residents reached out to Stabroek News and complained that the “hole” is getting larger daily and no one seems intent on fixing it. Residents explained that they took pictures and personally sent them to the various Ministers in the Government, but to date, the issue remains unchanged. 

“When the hole was very small we called the regional people and even the NDC officials and told them but nothing was done; instead the hole is getting bigger and deteriorating” a resident related.

Residents said that recently there was a motorcycle accident in the area due to the hole. Drivers utilizing the roadway also said the hole is a threat to them. Night visibility is very low, hence, many drivers related that they cannot see the hole and would often drive into it and get stuck or have their vehicle’s bottom become damaged in the process. 

Owner of the Diane Salon, Diane Persaud said that the hole is directly in front of her business and many of her clients have complained about the danger it poses. She said that many times vehicles get stuck in front of her and children who often stand on the roadside, do so directly in the path of vehicles that must swerve from the hole. Persaud is calling on the relevant authorities to look into the matter urgently.

This newspaper contacted a senior regional official and was informed that two contractors will be contracted by the Ministry of Public Works to conduct maintenance of the public road in Region Two. However, the regional official said that he is not sure when the contract will be awarded to those contractors for works to commence. The roadway is pivotal to residents who must use it to access Supenaam and the Supenaam stelling. 

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