Vaccinations required for all local, foreign airline operators – COVID-19 Task Force

All local and foreign airline operators and services are mandated to be vaccinated and have in their possession, their vaccination cards and official identification cards according to the updated COVID guidelines, a release from the National COVID-19 Task Force said yesterday.

The release stated that in keeping with Section 15 (2) (a) of the gazetted COVID-19 Emergency Measures (No. 21) that every operator and conductor of any public transportation service shall be vaccinated and have available their vaccination cards along with an official ID.

Airline operators and services are also required to implement and carry out Section 17 of the guidelines which instructs that all persons who wish to access services at government agencies be vaccinated or have a PCR test result of less than seven days. Persons will only be exempted from the order if they have a Certificate of Vaccine Exemption from a fully registered medical practitioner.

As such, all airports, aerodromes and airstrips in Guyana are required by the order to implement and enforce the measures.