Guyanese innovators win second, third places in Nestlé challenge

Two Guyanese youths, Adaiah Fyffe and Crystal Charles, won second and third places in the recent Nestlé Vision to Reality: Start-Up Challenge, which was held in collaboration with Junior Achievement (JA) Jamaica.

This was announced in a release from Guyana Economic Development Trust (GEDT), the originator of the challenge which was done in collaboration with !nnovate Guyana, a US/Guyana platform that showcases Guya-nese inventiveness and Junior Achievement (JA) Jamaica, a registered non-governmental organisation and a member nation of Junior Achievement Worldwide, the world’s largest organisation dedicated to educating students about work readiness, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programmes.

The Challenge is a competitive programme that began on June 07. It consisted of eight weeks of entrepreneurship workshops, covering key topics as strengthening business ideas, business ethics and planning; all intended to help participants to turn their ideas into viable business ventures.