Dear Editor,
It is great to see the enthusiasm in the media around the prospects of having a cleaner energy source that will last a number of decades. We must remember that as the current natural gas discovery depletes and others are discovered, being able to move the gas to the factory planned for Wales becomes more complex if a pipeline is used. Flexibility also becomes more important as the useful life of the current gas discovery nears its end. This reason in itself should guide all decision makers to relook at other options beyond the pipeline. The useful life of our Capital Expenditures needs to better match the investment projects undertaken and we should be ensuring that a long term view is always our perspective.
If Exxon makes a new gas discovery of similar or larger magnitude to that which is currently driving the pipeline investment, we cannot afford to make a second pipeline and facility for processing. The option to move the gas to the facility via a mobile vessel is a better investment to make if this is the energy path that the electorate approves. Keep in mind that the environmental consequences are clear and the other renewable options are cleaner. Sale of the natural gas to other nations overseas is a better overall option to pursue.
Local content has also been mentioned as a driver for the current gas line investment. Another way to achieve the local content benefit is to have locals participate in the building of the mobile gas vessel overseas. They will learn the skills and additional engineering capabilities needed. Then upon their return they will be able to teach others and further develop our maritime industry, thus creating jobs while upgrading our techniques and capabilities.
Jamil Changlee
The Cooperative Republicans of