Excessive amounts of water drained off EBD farm lands causing loss of income for farmers

Dear Editor,

On the 14th, October 2021, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha met with farmers of Craig and Garden of Eden on the East Bank Demerara. Where many issues arose, one in particular that caught my attention was the sluice operators not opening in time for water to be drained off farm lands. Now as of recent we all have noticed the significance of the sun’s temperature, and the said sluice operators continuing to open the sluice, draining excessive amounts of water resulting in farmers having to revert to the old ways of maneuvering through trenches (via paddle boats) due to very low water in these trenches in a modern time of each farmers having access to their own outboard engines but can’t utilize this in the new age that is on us. Many farmers can’t transport their cash crops out to markets and suppliers due to the actions of these sluice operators resulting in loss of income.


Mario Imrit
