The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport hosted a Diwali Celebration along Main Street, in Georgetown
Three members of the Alexander Village Vishnu Mandir carrying diyas
A rangoli design and diyas decorate a home at Campbellville, Georgetown
Diyas form the Om symbol on the bridge leading to the Alexander Village Vishnu Mandir
A Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara home decorated with diyas and fairylights
A father and daughter light a diya to illuminate a path at their Delph Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, home
Diyas and fairylights adorn the front of an Alexander Village home
The Dharm Shala located in Albouystown, decorated with lights as part of the Diwali festivities
A Campbellville, Georgetown home decked out with props and diyas as part of the Diwali festivities
Diyas being lit by an Alexander Village resident
A young woman places a diya in front of the Alexander Village Vishnu Mandir in observance of Diwali. See more photos from Diwali night on centre pages. (Photo by David Papannah)