Stabroek News

Dilapidated Riverstown revetment leads to flooding

Residents walking in the flooded water 

A decrepit revetment at Riverstown, in Region Two, is being blamed by residents for the flooding of their homes on Friday.

Residents of the school street area were forced to use bags of sand in order to stop the flow of water into their homes and also move their household items to higher ground in the event  the worst possibility occurs.  

According to residents, the issue is a recurring one, especially during the rainy season and high tides. The residents said they are currently frustrated as many of their rice lands and homes are currently inundated.

“Houses next to the revetment are flooded and we really can’t do anything. We told the regional people and still the problem exists,” Komatie Persaud said. 

Persaud related that those who are living close to the structure are predominantly affected. Residents are calling for immediate attention as several acres of rice lands are currently inundated with water.

Meanwhile, Regional Vice-Chairman Humace Oodit said that the region is aware of the issue and recently replaced several boards on the revetment. However, he said water continues to flow over the structure. He said the region is now seeking emergency funds from the Ministry of Agriculture to construct a new revetment. 

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