Stabroek News

These accusations by Ramayah are without foundation

Dear Editor,

The Upper Corentyne Fishermen’s Co-operative Society refutes the allegations made by Verasammy Ramayah on National Television around 6th October, 2021. Mr. Ramayah does not know what type of licence of the fishermen that fishes in Suriname waters. Members of this Co-op have S.K Licences which permit them to legally fish in Suriname waters and have an arrangement that allows them to land their catch at the Upper Corentyne Fishermen’s Co-op Society, 95% of the catch landed are sold to the export market thus earning Guyana valuable foreign exchange and the remainder sold for local consumption. He claims that the “big fishermen” who own 15-20 boats “eat out the small ones.” All members of this co-operative society enjoy the same privileges. All are given access to all facilities at our landing site at #66 Village Corentyne; all are treated equally and given the same opportunity.

As to the allegation that the co-op receives gov’t subsidy, this co-op does not receive any subsidy from government and did not ask for any. We had asked for the government to look at the issue where fishermen were asked to pay and are paying VAT on items that were listed as VAT exempt. Ramayah further claims that in the “last 15 years the same people become members.” They rotate the members only. The co-op’s registered members are not rotating. The Committee of Management is duly elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting of the Co-operative Society. No selection is being done. All members have equal opportunity to be elected as committee members during a process which is transparent and supervised by the Co-op department guided by the by-laws governing Co-operative societies. On a visit by the Vice President of Guyana and team to the No.66 Inshore Fish port Complex, Ramayah claims only certain people were allowed to enter the compound and be a part of the meeting or to complain to the Vice President. Others were left outside of the entrance. The Upper Corentyne Fishermen’s Co-operative Society categorically denies this allegation. No member or member of the public were denied entry to attend the meeting. The media was present and can testify that this is an untruth pedaled by V. Ramaya. A notice inviting all to the meeting was placed on the co-op society bulletin board several days before the event and on the meeting day, members were contacted via the telephone reminding them of the meeting.

The Upper Corentyne Fishermen’s Co-op Society Ltd has over the years become one of the better managed cooperative society in Guyana. In 2018 it was awarded by the Ministry of Social Protection as the “Most Compliant Co-operative Society in Guyana”  meaning it has followed the best practices in record keeping, transparency and accountability and in 2021 it was awarded by Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries Division as the ”Most Improved Co-operative Society of Guyana”. This co-operative has been a “role model” to other co-ops in the country offering training, advice and other forms of assistance. Its landing site is one of the largest in the country famed for the quality of fresh fish, excellent hygienic practices, and a safe and secure location to do business. Our achievements are too numerous to mention in this article and we were astonished and deeply concerned by the disparaging remarks made by Verasammy Ramayah and sought to set the record straight. We are deeply concerned that members of the public would get a false impression of this co-operative society after hearing the comments by Ramayah and do hope this article make up some of the damage done to our reputation. And to Verasammy Ramayah, so called community activist, we would like you to come and visit our location and see for yourself how the affairs of the co-operative society is managed before making any conclusion..           


Pamashwar Jainarine

Chairman Upper Corentyne

Fishermen’s Co-operative

Society Ltd

On behalf of the Committee of


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