Thank you and a correction

Dear Editor,

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all who have contributed to my ongoing research of the story of sweet drink in Guyanese society.  I take this opportunity to express special thanks to everyone who gave feedback to the recently completed 16-installment series, “Sweet Drink:  A Preliminary Exploration of Nonalcoholic Beverages in Guyana, 1870–2020,” which was published in the Sunday Stabroek.

Your feedback has provided invaluable data that will enrich the book, which will be published in early 2022. Your feedback has also allowed me to correct errors.  Regarding New Amsterdam’s Excelsior Soda Water Factory, Norma Gobin was incorrectly identified as Norma Gobind Seabra.  In addition, Roy Seabra was not the grandfather of Norma’s granddaughter. I take this opportunity to extend my sincerest apology to the Seabra family for any discomfort the error may have caused. Finally, the feedback has provided additional information on the history of this Berbice business, which was started in the early 20th century by Roy Seabra’s father, John Seabra. 

Vibert C. Cambridge, A.A., Ph.D.