Stabroek News

Look your age, not older

Have you ever questioned silently, or even out loud, how or why some of your mates from school look much more aged than you do? I have, recently. After scrolling through Instagram, I thought that I must be doing things right in living a healthy and fit lifestyle which is perhaps slowing down the ageing process.

Ageing is inevitable.

Your body is going to age, and your skin will show it. Ageing causes your skin to thin and dry out. It loses elasticity as collagen and elastin production lessen. There is a decrease in plumpness as fat pads diminish and wrinkles appear from the wear and tear of life and sun exposure. These are the things you can’t control, but there are a number of things you can influence to slow down how your skin ages.

Here are some quick tips to reduce the signs of ageing.

Sleep — A lack of sleep is the culprit behind how ageing affects you physically as well as many health-related issues, some of which have to do with ageing. Sleep people, it’s free.

Take a cold shower — Just as heat has many positive anti-ageing properties, so has cold. Short, but intense exposure to cold temperature increases blood flow and releases a cocktail of hormones that essentially keep your cells young and vibrant.

Hit the gym — Get your swell on. Growing muscle and getting stronger will protect you against many forms of cancer, prevent strokes and increase your quality of life. Muscle mass is correlated to longevity and health (up to a point).

Do cardio training — If the gym is not your thing, going for a run or doing burpees in your living room is free. Plus, a healthy cardio-vascular system has been shown to prevent all kinds of cancer, chronic non-communicable diseases and even mental health issues.

Regulate your stress levels — Meditation. Breathing techniques. Mental reframing. All free. All extremely potent anti-ageing and life-quality enhancers. Why are these things not taught in schools?

Eat more vegetables and less sugar — You’ve got to spend money on food anyway, why not buy more veggies instead of candy bars? Bonus tip: If you’re finding it hard to cook and prepare healthy meals, get a blender and make yourself some smoothies. Blend the veggies together with tasty fruits.

Stay hydrated — This keeps your skin supple. However, try to remember that not all beverages offer the same value. Your best bet for great hydration is water.

Eat the right kind of fats – Eating the wrong type of fat increases your risk of cardiovascular diseases, dementia and cancer. Reduce Omega-6 fatty acids intake and increase your consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Apply some of these tips to help slow down Father Time.

More in Fitness and Nutrition

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