500 victims of gender-based violence to receive free legal services

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security Shanielle Hoosain-Outar (at left) and President of the Bar Association of Guyana Pauline Chase hold agreements for the Legal Pro-Bono 500 Initiative, through which free legal services would be offered to victims of gender-based violence. (MoHSSS photo)

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security and the Bar Association of Guyana yesterday signed an agreement to cater for the provision of free legal representation for 500 victims of gender-based violence.

In a statement, the ministry yesterday said that as part of its mandate to end gender-based violence and specifically violence against women and girls in Guyana, it has initiated programmes geared towards providing efficient and effective services to victims of gender-based violence. “The Legal Pro-bono 500 Initiative was conceptualized by the Minister Dr. Vindhya Persaud, to expand the provision and reach of free legal services to persons experiencing gender-based violence,” the release added.