Guyanese love Christmas. Christmas music is played as early as October and some people will ‘break up’ the house a month or more before they clean and decorate. In the weeks before the holidays, stores, markets, and pavements are crowded with vendors and shoppers. There are those shopping and those walking aimlessly or window shopping. Perhaps the crowds that are seen in places like downtown Georgetown would be smaller if people decided to visit for what they need and not to wander or spend money on things they do not need. Do we need to buy new curtains every year? Or furniture and electronics on hire purchase only to realize in January that we cannot afford to pay? I suppose some people are fine with having a merry Christmas and are not concerned with the embarrassment of issues like their items being repossessed. And perhaps whatever brings the Guyanese people joy during this time should not be critiqued since every day we are dealing with a barrage of misfortunes, injustices, and sorrows.