Ministry should be commended for efforts to ensure learning loss is minimized

Dear Editor,

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the delivery of education, not just in Guyana but across the globe. Studies have shown that after months of schools being closed, students have suffered significant learning loss.

That being said, the Ministry of Education’s decision to reopen schools for face-to-face learning should be welcomed by parents desirous of having a bright future for their children. The Ministry should be commended for the efforts they have made over the last 17 months to ensure the learning loss is minimized.

While we are fully aware that there are health risks associated with returning to face-to-face learning, the long-term benefits are far greater.

Virtual learning has been beneficial over the last few months but it has not been without challenges. Research has shown that this has widened the gap for academic achievement as some students were not able to attend classes virtually due to lack of resources such as access to the internet or devices.

Returning to school with COVID-19 preventative measures in place would afford children the opportunity to learn in a conducive environment.

We know that nothing can replace the value of a trained teacher in front of the classroom. This will enable students to ask more questions and for the teacher to further expound on a topic resulting in the clearer delivery of the lesson.

However, attending school goes beyond academic development. Children learn not only by instruction but also through interaction with their peers.

Being around children their own age is crucial for emotional and social development. This is where they learn how to interact with other persons and create friendships. This, like I said, will aid in their development as an individual.

I know parents are worried about not being able to supervise their children but we cannot stay cooped up at home forever. I suggest parents talk to their children regularly to ensure they understand the importance of observing COVID-19 protocols.

Yours faithfully,

Sean Braithwaite