Dear Editor,
A Happy 2022 to you and your readers. We can only hope it will be one where all Guyanese will make strides in every area of their lives.
Now that Parliament has passed the NRF bill, there has been much speculation about the process to release the monies and how the money will be spent. It is understood that the world economy has suffered during the pandemic and individuals and families are hurting. While the simple and easy route would be to hand out cash to the Guyanese population, we have to be careful of the impacts of such grants.
For most, the two infrastructural developments which must be made immediately to strengthen the Guyanese economy are 1) having better electricity generation and supply and 2) better internet service. Guyana and Guyanese will be a much more competitive workforce if we weren’t constantly worrying about when the electricity/internet will have an outage.
If a survey were done, I can guarantee that these will be two of the most significant changes the employable white collar workforce and students will request. I am issuing a call to those in charge to hold proper outreaches, conduct professional surveys and see what the needs of citizens are before throwing money at everyone willy-nilly.
Yours faithfully,
R. Singh