Opposition Leader skips meeting with Commonwealth SG, Forde attends

Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Roysdale Forde (left) with Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Patricia Scotland (Roysdale Forde photo)

Leader of the Opposition Joseph Harmon on Tuesday skipped out of meeting with Secretary-General (SG) of the Commonwealth, Patricia Scotland and sent Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Roysdale Forde instead.

In a statement released to the media yesterday, the Office of the Leader of the Opposition said that the SG’s Office requested the meeting but did not state a reason for Harmon not attending.

The meeting was held at PNCR’s headquarters at Sophia in conjunction with the call by Scotland on Leader of the PNCR Aubrey Norton.  Harmon and Norton have been at loggerheads over who should be Leader of the Opposition and observers note that Harmon would not likely visit Congress Place at this juncture.