Nine more COVID deaths, 1082 new cases

The Ministry of Health yesterday said that there were nine more COVID-19 deaths as of January 15th and five of these persons were fully vaccinated.

 This takes the total number of deaths from the pandemic to 1095.

Among the latest deaths, a Region Three girl, 6, passed away on January 10. A fully vaccinated female, 72, of Region Three died on January 1st. Four other fully vaccinated persons died on January 15-16. Of the latest deaths reported, four were from Region Three, four from Region Four and one from Region Six.

In keeping with recent trends, 1,082 new COVID cases were reported. The surge in cases is being linked to the likely arrival of the Omicron variant. It is unknown whether any of the recent deaths are as a result of the Omicron variant.

The spiralling number of cases is also believed to be linked to the socialising activities over the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays. Other events have also been criticised for possibly being super spreaders of the virus. These include the Futsal final at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall.

Twelve persons are in the ICU.

Details on the latest fatalities follow: