Alexander Zhang and Kristin Xavier played unbeaten to emerge winners in the DeSinco Rapid Online U-12 National

Chess Championships last weekend.
The 45 participants (29 boys and 16 girls) played on the rapid platform with a 15-minute plus a two-second increment, which was supervised by leading FIDE arbiter John Lee.
Zhang collected six points in the seven-round tournament, while Xavier amassed the full quota of seven points from her seven games. Zhang drew with Arysh Raguhunauth and Nicholas Zhang. DeSinco sponsored the U-12 Championships with a total of $150,000.
Meanwhile, in international chess, the Tata Steel Tournament is ongoing at Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands. The tournament ends on January 30.
Chess game
Black: Andrey Esipenko
Event: 84th Tata Steel, 2022, Wijk aan Zee, Netherlands, January 18
Type of Game: Giuoco Piano
1. e4e5 2. Nf3Nc6 3. Bc4Nf6 4. d3Bc5 5. c3d6 6. O-Oh6 7. Re1O-O 8. h3Bb6 9. a4a5
10. Nbd2Ne7 11. Bb3c6 12. Nf1Ng6 13. Ng3d5 14. exd5Nxd5 15. d4exd4 16. Nxd4Re8
17. Rxe8+Qxe8 18. Bxd5cxd5 19. Be3Bc7 20. Qd2Bd7 21. b3Bxg3 22. fxg3Qe5 23. Qf2Rc8 24. Rf1f6 25. Re1Qd6 26. Nf5Bxf5 27. Qxf5Ne7 28. Qg4Rxc3 29. Bf4Qc5+ 30. Kh2Kh7
31. h4d4 32. Qe6. ½-½. Draw.