Mason remanded over gun, ammo

An East Ruimveldt, Georgetown mason was yesterday refused bail after he denied having a gun and live ammunition illegally in his possession. 

Eustace Thomas, a 50-year-old mason, was brought before Principal Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court. He pleaded not guilty to the charge which alleges that on January 21, at East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, he had a .38 revolver in his possession when he is not the lawful holder of a firearm licence in force at the time. He also denied that on the same date and at the same location, he had five live rounds of .38 ammunition.

He was remanded until February 21. 

According to a police release, a party of policemen from the East Ruimveldt Police Outpost went to a home at Genip Lane, East Ruimveldt where a search was conducted on the residence. 

During the search, a .38 Taurus revolver was found in a hammock inside the house. The police said that on further examination, it was discovered that the revolver contained five .38 rounds of ammunition.  

Thomas was asked if he had a licence to carry the firearm and he responded in the negative. As such he was told of the offences committed, cautioned, arrested and taken to the East La Penitence Police Station where he was placed in custody. 

The firearm and ammunition were then lodged.