Dear Editor,
Much praise is being showered by residents of Region # 2 (Pomeroon-Supenaam) on Divisional Police Commander, Denise Griffith for doing an excellent job here. Through interactions, which are well appreciated, Commander Griffith is proving to be a no nonsense person, totally opposed to bribery and corruption, and leads by example. She has made it known that she is a devout Christian, and a church goer, and urged her ranks to confine their operations within the ambit of the law.
Since assuming office some months ago, it was brought to her attention of there being significant overall improvements in police operations in the district. Night parties, as well as in the day, have been reduced much to the satisfaction and delight of the residents, who can now sleep in comfort. A marked decrease in the narcotics trade with Charity and Supenaam being transshipment points as well as other crime are also noticeable.
Police ranks are doing their work in a professional manner, with less harassment of abuse to civilians. Any time now, there will be an enhancement with better service through the commissioning of two Outposts – one at Lima Sands and the other in the Little Red Village behind Onderneeming Sand Pit. Commander Griffith’s ambition is to continue to work as long as possible in the district.
Concerned residents
Region # 2