Justino DaSilva, a promising Guyanese chess player, scored a total of five points in a five-minute online blitz

tournament between Guyana and Suriname recently.
Suriname held the first edition of the Master of the Guianas 2022, and recorded the first champions of the event. Imaan Kalidjo and Woman Candidate Master Victoria Kaslan from Suriname won. Jessica Callender from Guyana placed third in the Women’s section. In total, the event boasted 46 players.
DaSilva and Callender are both active chess players locally. DaSilva qualified for the behind the board 2020 national championship and he won the Independence Cup last year while Callender competed in the last two online Olympiads.
Chess game
Black: Jose Raul Capablanca
Event: Hastings, England, August 18, 1919
Type of Game: Spanish Game, Morphy Defence
1. e4e5 2. Nf3Nc6 3. Bb5a6 4. Ba4d6 5. O-OBd7 6. Re1g6 7. d4Bg7 8. c3Nge7 9. Be3O-O
10. dxe5Nxe5 11. Nxe5Bxe5 12. Bb3Nc6 13. Nd2Bg7 14. Nf3h6 15. Nd4Na5 16. f3Qh4
17. Qd2Rae8 18. Bf2Nxb3 19. axb3Qd8 20. b4Kh7 21. Qd3Qg5 22. h4Qd8 23. g3Bc8
24. Rad1h5 25. Kg2Re5 26. f4Ree8 27. Nf3Bg4 28. Rd2Re7 29. Ng5+Kg8 30. Qd5Qc8
31. Bd4Rfe8 32. Bxg7Kxg7 33. Nf3c6 34. Qd3f6 35. c4d5 36. Rde2dxc4 37. Qxc4Rd8
38. Re3Bxf3+ 39. Kxf3Qe6 40. Qxe6Rxe6 41. f5Re5 42. fxg6Kxg6 43. b3Rd4 44. Rc1Rxb4
45. Rd1Reb5 46. Rdd3a5 47. Rc3Re5 48. Rcd3Reb5 49. Rc3Kf7 50. Ke2Ke6 51. Kd2Ke5
52. Kc2Rxe4 53. Rxe4+Kxe4 54. Rc4+Kf3. 0-1. White resigns.