Plank after plank of regulatory oversight being dismantled

Dear Editor,

So, another man is gone, another crucial inquirer and sentinel of sorts.  Like Dr. Vincent Adams, Dr Rudy Jadoopat is now history.  Even a blind man could have seen that one coming from a distance.  I am amazed that he lasted so long, but he couldn’t prevail against the forces against him, the kind of crooked visions suffocating this society.

They say he was a political appointee.  Unlike patriotism, political appointments are now the first refuge of political leadership scoundrels.  Categorizing the droves of public service appointments since that fateful August 2020 takeover could be challenging, parallels notwithstanding.  Regardless, I suggest the antonym or complement for political appointments must be political witch hunts.  The biggest surprise is that this particular witch (wizard) in the bowels of the Natural Resources beast took so long to unearth and sent packing with brooms and red lavender; red is most appropriate, it being the colour of the ruling PPP/C witch hunters. 

It so happens I know the fallen Dr. Jadoopat, heard of his woes, the heaviness and difficulties of his responsibilities, resistances, pushbacks, evasions, and non-cooperation-with which he coexisted.  I know from being near to those myself; the people and the influence they held over the people in power.  My position never changed: go to wherever and whomever; the chips will fall.  I am ready.  I told Dr. Jadoopat back then how I stood.  We haven’t spoken since, so there is no clue as to how he managed himself.

Editor, I knew that his goose was gone, it was just a matter of time, with plank after plank of regulatory oversight dismantled.  His Excellency called that “onerous” which alerted of the sinister and ominous.  I congratulate the President for being faithful to at least that one commitment.  Campaign financing is as good a basis as any for regulatory demolitions.  Regrettably, people are part of the collateral damage.  They are expendable, and political appointment suffices enough to be affixed to the certificate of passing from PPP/C Government life.  When leaders got rid of Dr. Vincent Adams, they came up with a winner of majestic proportions at the EPA.  I will wager that when this is over that there will the equivalent at the EITI.  I guarantee.

GHK Lall