Wendell Meusa, an international Candidate Master, obliterated Guyana’s accomplished blitz players in a clean sweep at the STR Wood Inc online five-minute tournament this past weekend.
Meusa is the 2022 senior blitz champion. He played the tournament exquisitely, demonstrating he is the finest five-minute chess player in Guyana. Meusa played undefeated from his nine starts. The blitz veteran Irshad Mohamad played with confidence to capture second place in the tournament. His only loss was to Meusa. Ronuel Greenidge was third.

In the junior department of the tournament, 11-year-old Tejasvarun Kandavel is the new 2022 blitz champion following his defeat of last year’s winner Keron Sandiford. The two clashed in the final game and Kandavel got the better of his opponent’s uncastled king.
Jessica Callender, a strong blitz contender, was awarded the Best Female Prize for the tournament which was supervised by senior FIDE arbiters John Lee and Anand Raghunauth.
White: Anish Giri.
Black: Magnus Carlsen.
Event: Magnus Carlsen Online Invitational, March 2021. 15 mins+10 secs per game.
Type of Game: Sicilian Defence,. Dragon Variation
1.e4c52.Nf3g63.d4cxd44.Nxd4Nc65.c4Nf66.Nc3d67.Be2Nxd48.Qxd4Bg79.O-OO-O10.Qd3a511.Be3Bd712.Bd4Bc613.b3Nd714.Bxg7Kxg715.Qd4+Kg816.Rfd1Qb617.Qxb6Nxb618.f4f519.exf5Rxf520.g3g521.Bd3Rc522.Re1Re823.Ne4Bxe424.Rxe4gxf425.Rxf4Nd726.Re1Ne527.Be4b528.cxb5Rxb529.Rh4Rb430.Bxh7+Kg731.Be4a432.bxa4Rxa433.Re2Rh834.Rxh8Kxh835.Bd5Ra536.Bb3Nc637.Rd2Kg738.Kg2Ne539.h3Nd740.Re2Kf841.Rf2+Nf642.g4Kg743.Rf4d544.g5Ne445.Bxd5Nxg546.Bb3e547.Ra4Rc548.Rc4Ra549.h4Ne650.Ra4Nf4+51.Kf3Rc552.Rc4Ra553.Rc7+Kh654.Bc2Ra3+55.Kg4Nd356.Kf5Nb457.Be4Rxa258.Kg41-0. Black resigns.