Stabroek News

PNCR deplores Russian invasion of Ukraine

The opposition PNCR today deplored Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


A statement from the PNCR follows:


The People’s National Congress Reform has been following with keen interest the events leading to the very unfortunate development of the armed forces of the Russian Federation invading the Republic of Ukraine. The PNCR would have preferred if a diplomatic solution had been sought and obtained as this would have had a positive impact on a number of principles to which the Party adheres such as the sanctity of treaties and internationally recognized borders and the peaceful development of states. As it is, the violation of the borders of Ukraine not only has breached these principles but the continuation of this situation is most likely to have grave implications for the peaceful development and for the geopolitics of Europe, the rest of the world, more particularly, and negative consequences for the world economy. This particular development, Guyana as a small developing state, which has an open economy vulnerable to external shocks, ignores at its peril.


Having carefully considered these facts, and even taking into consideration that our Party is prepared to have relations with all political parties and states, it must condemn the violation of the territorial integrity of the Ukraine, the principle of the sanctity of contracts and that of internationally recognized borders. This situation can only lead to the poisoning of relationships with the European Union and the Russian Federation with fraught implications for the peaceful development of the international system. Even at this late hour, the PNCR calls for the withdrawal of the troops of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Ukraine and urgently urges that steps be taken to initiate a process for the peaceful resolution of the conflict between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine. This may appear challenging given that the momentum of aggression seems well established. But the PNCR believes that if there is a will and a determination for peace the current negative circumstances can be reversed.


Indeed, the factors which argue for a peaceful resolution of this matter are persuasive. Trade between the EU and Russia is substantial. Agreements between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine have been reached and have contributed to the peaceful development between the two states. And it is beyond dispute that a return to the status quo ante will have a positive effect on the international system and the global economy. Managing a return to peaceful conditions will not be easy. But powerful nations and multilateral organisations are on record as being ready to see that this is done. Peace in Europe has lasted for more than 70 years. The implications for breaking that peace must weigh on the minds of all peace loving nations. As part of a small developing state, the PNCR joins all those nations and international organisations that are calling for a cease fire in the current conflict between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine and urges a return to stable relations between the two states.


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