There is urgent need for another Covid stimulus grant

Dear Editor,

Reference is made to “Advocates for cash grants …” (Feb 25). Guyanese feel there is an urgent need for another Covid Stimulus grant.  The administration gave a $25K Covid stimulus grant per household in late 2020 to help Guyanese households cope with pressing financial issues. The stimulus grant awarded in 2020 was quickly expended. Unemployment still remains high at about 12%. Cost of living has skyrocketed as a result of Covid, flooding of last May/June, and extraordinary high shipping costs of goods. Poverty rate remains persistently high at 32% and Guyanese families need immediate financial support. Guyanese families have been in distress for a long time time and need further relief to address escalation of cost of living, which will rise higher because of the war in Ukraine and the supply chain problem.

The Ali administration has been very compassionate and rising to the occasion to mitigate the financial hardships. Further direct cash grants will benefit households immediately and directly. A question may arise on the possible source of funding for this cash grant. The NRF account has been drawn down to fund the latest budget, and therefore money is not available from it to give Covid cash grant. Funds can however be taken from the general revenues to fund the grant. There is provision in 2022 budget for expenditure of this nature. Guyanese, supportive of a cash grant, hope that the government will act swiftly on this. They are hurting financially.

Dr. Vishnu Bisram