Dear Editor,
The complaint by some ‘organizations’ that the country is moving at a “bewildering pace” would be laughable if it were not true. Guyana is moving forward at a pace, ten thousand plus house lots were delivered in 2021 after the Granger period of five years where no new schemes were developed and where existing lots were seized and redistributed. The revenues from Guyana’s oil sales languished in an account in the United States and would have stayed there as long as Granger was in power; these funds have now been withdrawn and put into use for the betterment of all Guyanese. The complaint by the ‘organizations‘include fears about who will be appointed to manage the Natural Resource Fund and who has oversight. There will never be a consensus on who should be appointed to manage the fund or have oversight of the fund. Although it should be clear that the Guyanese people should be the beneficiaries of the fund, it seems some in Guyana believe the funds should sit dormant in the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States boosting that nation’s bottom line; a shameless display of colonial mentality if there ever was one. My suggestion is that President Ali should scrap the NRF Act and put the money into our Consolidated Fund where parliament has oversight and the Fiscal Management and Accountability Act governs our actions.
Robin Singh