GDF medic helps Venezuelan mother to deliver baby at Kaikan

Guyana Defence Force Medic Corporal (CPL) Littleton Wilson holds the baby boy he helped deliver (GDF photo)
Guyana Defence Force Medic Corporal (CPL) Littleton Wilson holds the baby boy he helped deliver (GDF photo)

A Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Medic on Monday safely assisted a mother with delivering her baby at the Kaikan Health Post, in Region Seven.

The GDF in a news release on Thursday said that Corporal (CPL) Little-ton Wilson safely delivered the baby after being contacted by a businessman who requested the assistance of medical personnel after Yonneline Romero, a Venezuelan national, exhibited signs of being in labour.

Wilson, a Grade Two Medical Assistant, responded and assisted the woman. Wilson recalled that he was panicked at first but he was able to compose himself and remember the necessary steps. “I made all the necessary preparations according to my training. I panicked at first but after seeing her in so much pain, I had to focus and remain calm and I told myself that I just need to ensure that both baby and mother are safe. I held the baby until his entire body was out and was so amazed at the entire process. I cut the cord and I checked the baby to ensure that he was alright. The mother was still in pain but also shed tears of joy,” he recounted.

Wilson’s efforts helped Romero to deliver her son. The baby was the first child that Wilson has been involved in delivering, the GDF said.

The GDF added that both the child and his mother are healthy and have since been discharged from the health post. 

Wilson enlisted in the GDF in 2012 and successfully completed the Grade Three Medical Assistance Course in 2014 and successfully completed the Grade Two Medical Assistance Course in 2019. Wilson has also completed the Junior Leaders Course, Section Commanders Course, Drill Course, Skill-at-Arms Course and Combat Medic Course.